Hello and welcome to querean.com, here in this website you will find net worth information of celebrities, athletics, actors and all other famous millionaires of all over the world.Â
About to create this website
I’m Adam Pearson, a person with a lot of curiosity about rich people, especially about millionaires. From the very beginning of my life I have started to research about wealth, money, power and fame. And from my curiosity I have followed rich people all over the world who become millionaires by their own struggle or by the wealth of their family or family business. And one day I started to collect that information. And now with this website I want to store all of the information about those people. I also will want to share with them those who are interested or curious about rich people like me.
Vision and Mission
I think it is already clearly expressed to you why I am gathering information about the net worth of famous people here. Our vision is to research newer people’s net worth and publish that here on this website. That will make a huge collection of rich people someday.
Our Team
Without me there is also a team who are working continuously to collect,analyze information about people and take steps to design that info according to this website style and two of them are web developers who are taking care of this website backend info.
Your Query
We have collected all of the published info from reliable sources. And tried our best to make sure to publish correct and updated information. Yet there are chances to make any mistake. That’s why if you have any suggestion or any correction please let us know by sending a mail from the contact us page.
Thank you for staying with us. Have a good day. Cheers.